Listen to the "Capital Song" from "Grammar Songs" by Kathy Troxel/Audio Memory. (800)365-7464
Grammar Songs CD Kit (includes Teacher's Guide, book and CD)
Available on DVD, CD, cassette
mp3 available from, or itunes
Fill in the blanks with the lyrics from the "NOUN SONG" from "Grammar Songs" by Kathy Troxel/Audio Memory copyright 1984.!
Write the missing words from the "Verb Song" from "Grammar Songs" by Kathy Troxel/Audio Memory copyright 1984.Available on CD, DVD or cassette from
or call (800)365-SING
Teacher's Guide and workbook also available.
order mp3 from, or ituness
Learn the "Greek & Latin Prefix & Suffix Song" from "Grammar Songs" by Kathy Troxel.
Fill in the blanks.
mis - wrong
astron - star
against - ob
remain - sed
crat - rule
without - an
onym - name
capit - head
com - together
con - together
col - together
meter - measure - Let's call the whole thing off!
heat - thermo
life - bio
homo - same
before - pro (pre)
mater - mother
pater - father
post - after
ject - throw
ante - before
ab - away from
inter - between
inter - within - Let's call the whole thing off!
frater - brother
ex - out
far off - tele
see - scope
psych - mind
circum - around
dynam - power
greg - group
gress - move
all - pan
iso - equal
anthrop - man - Let's call the whole thing off!
med - middle
port - carry
graph - write
phone - sound
again - re
apart - se
before - pre
vid - see
poly - many
mono - one
bene - well
philo - love
against - contra
dict - say
against - anti
from - de
God - theo
world - cosmo
false - pseudo
earth - ge
macro - large
micro - small
manu - hand
order - mand - Let's call the whole thing off!
soph - wise
arch - chief
beyond - extra
bi - two
self - auto
cide - kill
around - peri
per - through
hydra - water
aqua - water
semi - half
hemi - half - Let's call the whole thing off!
Learn the "Canada Song" from "Geography Songs" by Kathy Troxel/Audio Memory.
Fill in the blanks.
"Geography Songs" book, CD, cassette tape and world map are available from (800)365-7464
mp3 available from or or itunes
Learn the "New Zealand Song" from "Geography Songs" by Kathy Troxel/Audio Memory.
Study the New Zealand map from "Geography Songs" book page 28 by Kathy Troxel/Audio Memory.
Fill in the blanks.