Countries quizzes
Search results
- Name the 10 coloured countries!
- Name the 10 coloured countries!
- Countries with one vowel
- Name three countries with only one vowel (a/e/i/o/u).
- Countries of Europe
- Can you name all the countries of Europe?
- Countries of Oceania
- Can you name all the countries of Oceania? -Note that only sovereign states are listed.
- Eurovision most successful countries
- Name the countries who have won the Eurovision Song Contest more than once.
- Top 10 oil-producing countries
- Name the countries that produce the most crude oil in the world.
- Landlocked countries
- Name the world's landlocked countries.
- Countries of South America
- Name the countries of South America (excluding overseas territories).
- Most populous countries
- Name the 10 most populous countries in the world.
- Countries of Africa
- Can you name all the countries of Africa?
- Countries with most tourists
- Name the top ten international tourist destination countries, according to the 2009 World Tourism rankings.
- Countries of North America
- Name all the countries of North America (including Central America and The Caribbean).
- Countries of Asia
- Can you name all the countries of Asia?
- FIFA World Cup host countries
- Name the countries that have hosted (or are going to host) the FIFA World Cup.
- Olympic and World Cup host countries
- Name the 11 countries who have hosted (or have been chosen to host) the World Cup and the summer Olympic Games.
- Know Your Mid-Eastern Capitals
- Know your Middle Eastern Countries and get ready to experience a hard test of them!
- "Asia Song" from "Geography Songs" by Kathy Troxel/Audio Memory
- Listen to the "Asia Song" from "Geography Songs" by Kathy Troxel/Audio Memory. Write the names of the countries of Asia.
- Flags of Europe
- Name the countries of Europe by their flag.
- OPEC members
- Name the member states of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).