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Chinese quizzes
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Chinese one to ten
Translate the Chinese numbers between 1 and 10.
Chinese dialects by region of China
Name the Chinese dialects spoken in the areas coloured in the map.
Chinese takeaway characters
Common characters on a Chinese takeaway menu.
Animals of the Chinese zodiac
Name the animals of the Chinese zodiac.
Arsenal players' Chinese names
Can you name the players in Arsenal's 2011-12 squad from the Chinese pronunciations (as taken from the Arsenal China website). Only surnames required.
Chinese dynasties
Name the Chinese dynasties.
Chinese provinces
Label the provinces controlled by the People's Republic of China, shown in yellow, and the disputed region in purple.
Hong Kong districts
Name the 18 administrative districts of Hong Kong.
Province-level divisions of China
Label the province-level divisions of the People's Republic of China. You can write in English, Chinese characters (简 / 繁), Pinyin or Cantonese (yale).
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