
Suzanne has not made any friends on KwizMi yet.
You are not friends with Suzanne.
Categories played
- Art
- 0%
- Entertainment
- 100%
- Film
- 100%
- Geography
- 36%
- History
- 90%
- Language
- 87%
- Literature
- 58%
- Maths
- 100%
- Medicine
- 0%
- Miscellaneous
- 80%
- Music
- 56%
- Religion
- 50%
- Science & Tech
- 50%
- Sport
- 41%
- Television
- 75%
Overall stats
- Average score
- 68.6%
- Avg. s.d. from mean
- +0.12
- Total plays
- 74
- Quizzes played
- 73
- Avg. improvement
- 10.0%
Quizzes played
- English Premier League club crests (2010-11)
- 12/20 (avg. 17.9) | 14 May 2011
- UK postcode words
- 10/10 (avg. 8.5) | 12 May 2011
- Opening lines of novels
- 21/30 (avg. 15.6) | 11 May 2011
- The Chronicles of Narnia
- 4/7 (avg. 5.2) | 11 May 2011
- What the old woman swallowed
- 7/7 (avg. 5.6) | 11 May 2011
- What's The Bird?
- 2/8 (avg. 3.0) | 11 May 2011
- Famous Kates
- 14/15 (avg. 8.8) | 11 May 2011
- Bird anagrams
- 18/20 (avg. 12.4) | 9 May 2011
- Cocolate bar anagrams
- 9/10 (avg. 7.9) | 9 May 2011
- Fruit anagrams
- 10/10 (avg. 9.3) | 9 May 2011
- Footballers' first names 3
- 1/20 (avg. 12.4) | 9 May 2011
- Footballers' first names 2
- 6/20 (avg. 18.2) | 9 May 2011
- Footballers' first names
- 6/20 (avg. 17.0) | 9 May 2011
- Famous Married Footballers
- 1/1 (avg. 1.0) | 9 May 2011
- Famous dogs
- 14/15 (avg. 11.2) | 9 May 2011
- How many...
- 8/10 (avg. 7.6) | 9 May 2011
- Peter and the Wolf characters
- 3/7 (avg. 5.4) | 9 May 2011
- Mercury Prize winners
- 6/18 (avg. 9.3) | 9 May 2011
- Henry VIII's wives: 10 facts
- 8/10 (avg. 6.3) | 9 May 2011
- Tudor monarchs
- 6/6 (avg. 5.1) | 9 May 2011
- Soap opera pubs
- 5/6 (avg. 3.4) | 9 May 2011
- British sitcoms
- 15/15 (avg. 11.9) | 9 May 2011
- BBC channels in the UK
- 6/9 (avg. 7.0) | 9 May 2011
- Television chefs
- 7/10 (avg. 5.8) | 9 May 2011
- Inbetweeners characters
- 5/7 (avg. 5.9) | 9 May 2011
- Doctor Who actors
- 10/11 (avg. 7.9) | 9 May 2011
- Famous Davids
- 15/20 (avg. 9.4) | 9 May 2011
- Famous doctors
- 8/15 (avg. 7.2) | 9 May 2011
- Anagram Pairs 1
- 8/10 (avg. 5.0) | 9 May 2011
- Name the colour
- 15/20 (avg. 13.8) | 9 May 2011
- BBC Sports Personality of the Year winners
- 13/56 (avg. 20.5) | 9 May 2011
- Patron saints
- 5/10 (avg. 5.6) | 9 May 2011
- Best-selling girl groups
- 5/15 (avg. 5.8) | 9 May 2011
- Groups of animals
- 10/20 (avg. 8.6) | 9 May 2011
- Baby animals I
- 14/15 (avg. 10.6) | 9 May 2011
- How many...
- 7/10 (avg. 7.6) | 9 May 2011
- Three times table
- 20/20 (avg. 18.0) | 9 May 2011
- Square numbers
- 20/20 (avg. 17.6) | 9 May 2011
- Fictional books
- 5/8 (avg. 3.9) | 9 May 2011
- Roald Dahl books
- 6/17 (avg. 8.1) | 9 May 2011
- Harry Potter names
- 1/11 (avg. 3.2) | 9 May 2011
- Harry Potter characters
- 9/20 (avg. 11.4) | 9 May 2011
- Winnie-the-Pooh characters
- 6/8 (avg. 6.6) | 9 May 2011
- Famous Five characters
- 5/5 (avg. 4.3) | 9 May 2011
- Famous Georges
- 12/15 (avg. 9.6) | 9 May 2011
- Famous people called Charles
- 11/15 (avg. 7.6) | 9 May 2011
- Famous cats
- 8/10 (avg. 7.0) | 9 May 2011
- Spa Towns in England
- 3/21 (avg. 7.0) | 9 May 2011
- Counties of England
- 27/47 (avg. 34.8) | 9 May 2011
- Famous people called Bill
- 10/10 (avg. 5.6) | 9 May 2011
- The Bill character names 2
- 2/20 (avg. 6.8) | 9 May 2011
- TV Programmes
- 6/12 (avg. 5.6) | 9 May 2011
- NATO phonetic alphabet
- 26/26 (avg. 21.4) | 9 May 2011
- Moon songs
- 5/10 (avg. 3.5) | 8 May 2011
- Sun songs
- 5/10 (avg. 3.4) | 8 May 2011
- British band members
- 11/12 (avg. 8.5) | 8 May 2011
- One to ten in French
- 10/10 (avg. 8.7) | 8 May 2011
- The Twelve Days of Christmas
- 11/12 (avg. 9.7) | 8 May 2011
- Christmas Number Ones 1990s
- 6/10 (avg. 5.6) | 8 May 2011
- UK singles: most weeks at #1
- 9/22 (avg. 8.7) | 8 May 2011
- Monday's child...
- 6/7 (avg. 5.2) | 8 May 2011
- Famous pigs
- 6/15 (avg. 6.5) | 8 May 2011
- Cluedo characters (UK)
- 7/7 (avg. 5.3) | 8 May 2011
- Mr Men characters
- 13/46 (avg. 21.2) | 8 May 2011
- The Seven Dwarfs
- 7/7 (avg. 6.0) | 8 May 2011
- OK Computer tracks
- 2/12 (avg. 8.7) | 8 May 2011
- Radiohead albums
- 4/7 (avg. 6.2) | 8 May 2011
- Rudolph's friends
- 8/8 (avg. 6.3) | 8 May 2011
- Friends surnames
- 6/6 (avg. 5.1) | 8 May 2011
- Desperate Housewives main actors
- 5/5 (avg. 3.5) | 8 May 2011
- Blackadder main actors
- 6/8 (avg. 5.7) | 8 May 2011
- Extras celebrity guests
- 6/13 (avg. 5.9) | 8 May 2011
- The Bill guest stars
- 18/20 (avg. 9.7) | 8 May 2011
- The Bill forenames
- 15/16 (avg. 13.3) | 8 May 2011