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Categories played
- Art
- 0%
- Film
- 0%
- Geography
- 97%
- History
- 0%
- Language
- 100%
- Literature
- 0%
- Maths
- 48%
- Medicine
- 0%
- Miscellaneous
- 100%
- Music
- 0%
- Religion
- 0%
- Sport
- 100%
- Television
- 100%
Overall stats
- Average score
- 94.2%
- Avg. s.d. from mean
- +0.92
- Total plays
- 25
- Quizzes played
- 17
- Avg. improvement
- 1.2%
Quizzes played
- Smallest UK cities by population
- 9/10 (avg. 5.2) | 12 May 2011
- Largest supermarkets UK
- 10/10 (avg. 7.7) | 12 May 2011
- Largest supermarkets UK
- 10/10 (avg. 7.7) | 12 May 2011
- UK most populous cities
- 10/10 (avg. 6.7) | 12 May 2011
- UK most populous cities
- 9/10 (avg. 6.7) | 12 May 2011
- UK most populous cities
- 9/10 (avg. 6.7) | 12 May 2011
- UK most populous cities
- 9/10 (avg. 6.7) | 12 May 2011
- Travellers' Choice Top UK Destinations
- 25/25 (avg. 12.6) | 12 May 2011
- BBC channels in the UK
- 9/9 (avg. 7.0) | 12 May 2011
- City postcards
- 18/18 (avg. 14.0) | 12 May 2011
- City postcards
- 18/18 (avg. 14.0) | 12 May 2011
- One times table
- 14/20 (avg. 14.7) | 12 May 2011
- London Underground stations
- 306/306 (avg. 116.0) | 12 May 2011
- London Underground lines
- 11/11 (avg. 8.1) | 12 May 2011
- Waterloo & City Line
- 2/2 (avg. 2.0) | 12 May 2011
- Waterloo & City Line
- 2/2 (avg. 2.0) | 12 May 2011
- London Underground Zone 1 map
- 64/64 (avg. 34.9) | 12 May 2011
- The alphabet
- 26/26 (avg. 21.7) | 12 May 2011
- BBC sports
- 46/46 (avg. 22.7) | 12 May 2011
- Numbers in binary
- 4/16 (avg. 9.4) | 12 May 2011
- The Bill characters 2010
- 18/18 (avg. 14.9) | 8 May 2011
- The Bill characters 2010
- 18/18 (avg. 14.9) | 8 May 2011
- The Bill characters 2010
- 18/18 (avg. 14.9) | 8 May 2011
- Police ranks UK
- 6/6 (avg. 4.9) | 8 May 2011
- The Bill forenames
- 16/16 (avg. 13.3) | 8 May 2011