
Awesome has not made any friends on KwizMi yet.
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Categories played
- Art
- 0%
- Entertainment
- 93%
- Film
- 45%
- Geography
- 0%
- History
- 0%
- Language
- 0%
- Literature
- 33%
- Maths
- 81%
- Medicine
- 0%
- Miscellaneous
- 60%
- Music
- 0%
- Religion
- 0%
- Science & Tech
- 100%
- Sport
- 0%
- Television
- 75%
Overall stats
- Average score
- 68.0%
- Avg. s.d. from mean
- -0.25
- Total plays
- 31
- Quizzes played
- 15
- Avg. improvement
- 0.3%
Quizzes played
- Big cats
- 7/7 (avg. 6.0) | 4 Jul 2010
- One times table 2
- 10/10 (avg. 9.7) | 4 Jul 2010
- One times table 2
- 9/10 (avg. 9.7) | 4 Jul 2010
- One times table 2
- 10/10 (avg. 9.7) | 4 Jul 2010
- One times table 2
- 10/10 (avg. 9.7) | 4 Jul 2010
- One times table 2
- 10/10 (avg. 9.7) | 4 Jul 2010
- One times table 2
- 10/10 (avg. 9.7) | 4 Jul 2010
- One times table 2
- 10/10 (avg. 9.7) | 4 Jul 2010
- One times table
- 13/20 (avg. 14.7) | 4 Jul 2010
- One times table
- 10/20 (avg. 14.7) | 4 Jul 2010
- One times table
- 19/20 (avg. 14.7) | 4 Jul 2010
- One times table
- 5/20 (avg. 14.7) | 4 Jul 2010
- One times table
- 20/20 (avg. 14.7) | 4 Jul 2010
- One times table
- 14/20 (avg. 14.7) | 4 Jul 2010
- One times table
- 17/20 (avg. 14.7) | 4 Jul 2010
- One times table
- 18/20 (avg. 14.7) | 4 Jul 2010
- One times table
- 12/20 (avg. 14.7) | 4 Jul 2010
- One times table
- 13/20 (avg. 14.7) | 4 Jul 2010
- One times table
- 12/20 (avg. 14.7) | 4 Jul 2010
- Mary Poppins' long word
- 8/34 (avg. 30.7) | 4 Jul 2010
- Disney villains
- 10/15 (avg. 10.0) | 4 Jul 2010
- Famous Five characters
- 1/5 (avg. 4.3) | 4 Jul 2010
- Famous pigs
- 9/15 (avg. 6.5) | 4 Jul 2010
- The Simpson family
- 6/8 (avg. 6.1) | 4 Jul 2010
- Name the Pokémon
- 13/14 (avg. 10.3) | 4 Jul 2010
- Little Miss characters
- 10/33 (avg. 12.2) | 4 Jul 2010
- Mr Men characters
- 10/46 (avg. 21.2) | 4 Jul 2010
- Hogwarts textbooks
- 1/13 (avg. 4.1) | 4 Jul 2010
- Hogwarts lessons
- 7/14 (avg. 9.5) | 4 Jul 2010
- Harry Potter characters
- 17/20 (avg. 11.4) | 4 Jul 2010
- Harry Potter spells
- 5/26 (avg. 14.0) | 4 Jul 2010
Awesome's quizzes
- One times table 2
- 85 plays (avg. 9.7/10) | 4 Jul 2010
- Harry Potter Jokes
- 4 plays (avg. 7.2/8) | 4 Jul 2010
- Harry Potter place names
- 43 plays (avg. 4.0/10) | 4 Jul 2010