Results and stats for "Commonest letters in English"
Name the most frequently occurring letters in the English language.
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- Average score: 19.1
- Total plays: 96
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Most correctly guessed answers
- 12.70%
- e
- 99.0%
- 8.17%
- a
- 92.7%
- 9.06%
- t
- 91.7%
- 7.51%
- o
- 90.6%
- 6.97%
- i
- 85.4%
- 6.75%
- n
- 81.2%
- 6.33%
- s
- 81.2%
- 4.25%
- d
- 79.2%
- 6.09%
- h
- 78.1%
- 4.03%
- l
- 77.1%
- 5.99%
- r
- 76.0%
- 2.76%
- u
- 76.0%
- 2.78%
- c
- 72.9%
- 2.41%
- m
- 72.9%
- 2.02%
- g
- 67.7%
- 2.36%
- w
- 65.6%
- 2.23%
- f
- 65.6%
- 0.07%
- z
- 65.6%
- 1.97%
- y
- 63.5%
- 0.10%
- q
- 63.5%
- 1.49%
- b
- 62.5%
- 0.15%
- x
- 62.5%
- 0.77%
- k
- 61.5%
- 0.15%
- j
- 60.4%
- 1.93%
- p
- 58.3%
- 0.98%
- v
- 55.2%