Results and stats for "OK Computer tracks"
Name the tracks on Radiohead's OK Computer.
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- Average score: 8.7
- Total plays: 21
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- 6
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- 95.2%
- 2
- Paranoid Android
- 90.5%
- 1
- Airbag
- 81.0%
- 4
- Exit Music (For a Film)
- 76.2%
- 7
- Fitter Happier
- 76.2%
- 8
- Electioneering
- 71.4%
- 10
- No Surprises
- 71.4%
- 11
- Lucky
- 66.7%
- 3
- Subterranean Homesick Alien
- 61.9%
- 9
- Climbing Up the Walls
- 61.9%
- 12
- The Tourist
- 61.9%
- 5
- Let Down
- 57.1%