Results and stats for "NATO phonetic alphabet"

Name all the code words of the NATO phonetic alphabet (also know as the ICAO spelling alphabet or the international radiotelephony spelling alphabet).

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    • 21.6s
    • 26
    • 2.
    • Anon. [8th]
    • 23.4s
    • 26
    • 4.
    • Anon. [4th]
    • 23.5s
    • 26
    • 5.
    • Anon. [10th]
    • 24.3s
    • 26
    • 6.
    • Anon. [4th]
    • 24.4s
    • 26
    • 7.
    • Anon. [9th]
    • 24.4s
    • 26
    • 8.
    • Ben [3rd]
    • 24.5s
    • 26
    • 9.
    • Ben
    • 25.0s
    • 26
    • 10.
    • Anon. [3rd]

How you did compared to others

  • Average score: 21.4
  • Total plays: 1267
% Distribution of scores


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      • F
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      • E
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      • L
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      • T
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      • X
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      • R
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      • 79.2%
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      • V
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