Results and stats for "Liverpool top ten scorers ever"

Name Liverpool's top ten all-time scorers.

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    • 2m 25.5s
    • 10
    • 1.
    • Anon.
    • 7m 27.0s
    • 8
    • 2.
    • Joel
    • 1m 11.0s
    • 7
    • 3.
    • Anon.
    • 1m 12.4s
    • 7
    • 4.
    • Anon.
    • 1m 18.2s
    • 7
    • 5.
    • Anon.
    • 1m 31.3s
    • 7
    • 6.
    • Anon.
    • 2m 3.3s
    • 7
    • 7.
    • Anon.
    • 1m 48.9s
    • 6
    • 8.
    • Anon.
    • 2m 36.2s
    • 6
    • 9.
    • Anon.
    • 2m 57.5s
    • 6
    • 10.
    • Anon.

How you did compared to others

  • Average score: 4.7
  • Total plays: 32
% Distribution of scores


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Most correctly guessed answers

      • I.R.
      • Ian Rush
      • 93.8%
      • K.D.
      • Kenny Dalglish
      • 84.4%
      • M.O.
      • Michael Owen
      • 78.1%
      • R.F.
      • Robbie Fowler
      • 71.9%
      • S.G.
      • Steven Gerrard
      • 71.9%
      • R.H.
      • Roger Hunt
      • 31.2%
      • B.L.
      • Billy Liddell
      • 18.8%
      • H.C.
      • Harry Chambers
      • 9.4%
      • G.H.
      • Gordon Hodgson
      • 6.2%
      • J.P.
      • Jack Parkinson
      • 6.2%