
Pokemon Types

What type of pokemon is the one specified?

Your answers must match the highlighted question.

Results and stats
      • Gengar
      • A:
      • Ghost
      • B:
      • Poison
      • C:
      • Ghost/Poison
      • Aerodactyl
      • A:
      • Flying/Ground
      • B:
      • Flying/Rock
      • C:
      • Flying/Fighting
      • Raichu
      • A:
      • Electric
      • B:
      • Ground
      • C:
      • Fighting
      • Nidoqueen
      • A:
      • Poison/Fighting
      • B:
      • Poison/Ground
      • C:
      • Poison/Rock
      • Togepi
      • A:
      • Fighting
      • B:
      • Normal
      • C:
      • water
      • Tangela
      • A:
      • Grass
      • B:
      • Ground
      • C:
      • Bug
      • Arbok
      • A:
      • Psychic
      • B:
      • Psychic/Poison
      • C:
      • Poison
      • Dratini
      • A:
      • Dragon
      • B:
      • Normal
      • C:
      • Water
      • Clefairy
      • A:
      • Bug
      • B:
      • Ground
      • C:
      • Normal
      • Gyrados
      • A:
      • Water/Flying
      • B:
      • Water/Dragon
      • C:
      • Water



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