Results and stats for "Countries of North America"
Name all the countries of North America (including Central America and The Caribbean).
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How you did compared to others
- Average score: 16.1
- Total plays: 472
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Most correctly guessed answers
- Mexico
- 97.7%
- United States of America
- 96.2%
- Canada
- 94.9%
- Cuba
- 90.5%
- Panama
- 85.6%
- Haiti
- 84.7%
- Jamaica
- 84.3%
- Honduras
- 73.9%
- Dominica
- 70.3%
- Bahamas
- 70.3%
- Belize
- 69.7%
- Dom. Rep
- 69.5%
- Guatemala
- 69.1%
- Costa Rica
- 68.4%
- Trinidad and Tobago
- 67.4%
- Nicaragua
- 66.7%
- El Salvador
- 66.7%
- Barbados
- 58.1%
- St. Kitts & Nevis
- 50.2%
- Grenada
- 48.7%
- Saint Lucia
- 47.2%
- Antigua & Barbuda
- 42.2%
- St. Vin't & the G'nes
- 41.5%
Completed quiz
- United States of America
- Canada
- Mexico
- Cuba
- Guatemala
- Belize
- Honduras
- Nicaragua
- Costa Rica
- Panama
- Dom. Rep
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Barbados
- Grenada
- Dominica
- El Salvador
- Bahamas
- Haiti
- St. Kitts & Nevis
- Antigua & Barbuda
- Saint Lucia
- St. Vin't & the G'nes
- Jamaica