Results and stats for "Composer's first names"
Name these composers first names! Some of them might be a bit tricky!
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How you did compared to others
- Average score: 8.4
- Total plays: 97
% |
Score |
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Most correctly guessed answers
- Beethoven
- Ludwig
- 97.9%
- Mozart
- Wolfgang
- 94.8%
- Schubert
- Franz
- 89.7%
- Chopin
- Frederic
- 88.7%
- Handel
- George
- 86.6%
- Brahms
- Johannes
- 85.6%
- Strauss
- Richard
- 80.4%
- Verdi
- Giuseppe
- 78.4%
- Elgar
- Edward
- 70.1%
- Holst
- Gustav
- 68.0%