Story quizzes

Search results

    • Famous Belgians
    • This is a list of every famous Belgian, real and fictional.
    • Shadow Cabinet members
    • Name the members of the Opposition Shadow Cabinet, from their pictures. (As of April 2010.)
    • Political memoirs
    • Name the authors of these political memoirs and autobiographies. (All in the English language.)
    • Political manifesto front pages 2010
    • Name the political parties to whom these manifesto front covers belong to, for the UK general election 2010. (We've blurred them so you can't just read the words!)
    • Celts
    • Answer these questions about the Celts.
    • Constituencies quiz
    • Name the constituencies from the clues given, about the 2010 UK general election.
    • Cabinet members
    • Name the members of Gordon Brown's last Cabinet of the United Kingdom from their pictures.
    • Nuclear Accidents
    • Give the locations of notable nuclear or radiation accidents. The country, date and International Nuclear Events Scale level is given.
    • English dynasties
    • Name the houses of the English monarchs before the Acts of Union in 1707.
    • Exit poll UK 2010 revised
    • Fill in the figures of the revised BBC/Sky/ITV exit poll of the 2010 UK general election, announced at around 11 pm.
    • Gettysburg Address - Fill in the blanks.
    • Number your paper 1- 35. Listen to the recording from Audio Memory. Write the spelled words. Abraham Lincoln - Gettysburg Address Four score and seven years ago our (1)_____ brought forth on this continent a new (2)_____, conceived in (3)_______, and dedicated to the (4)_____ that all men are created (5)________.Now we are engaged in a great civil (6)_______, testing whether that nation, or any (7)_______, so conceived and so (8)_______, can long (9)______. We are met on a great battle-field of that (10)_____. We have come to dedicate a portion of that (11)________, as a final resting place for those who here gave their (12)_______ that that nation might (13)______. It is altogether fitting and (14)______ that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we can not (15)_______, we can not (16)______, we can not (17)______ this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who (18)_____ here, have (19)_______ it, far above our poor power to add or (20)______. The world will little note, nor long (21)_____ what we say here, but it can never (22)____ what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be (23)______ here to the (24)_____ work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly (25)______. It is rather for us to be here (26)____ to the great (27)____ remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased (28)____ to that cause for which they gave the last full (29)____ of devotion—that we here highly (30)_____ that these dead shall not have died in (31)_____—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of (32)_____—and that (33)_____ of the people, by the people, for the (34)______, shall not (35)______ from the earth. Then take the kwizmi quiz. Fill in the blanks.