Results and stats for "Verses about Salvation"
Listen to the recording "Verses about Salvation" from Audio Memory.
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- 2m 42.8s
- 53
- 1.
- Audio Memory [5th]
- 2m 52.7s
- 53
- 2.
- Audio Memory [4th]
- 3m 24.8s
- 53
- 3.
- Audio Memory [6th]
- 3m 38.4s
- 53
- 4.
- Audio Memory [7th]
- 3m 22.8s
- 52
- 5.
- Audio Memory [3rd]
- 4m 21.4s
- 51
- 6.
- Audio Memory [2nd]
- 9m 16.3s
- 42
- 7.
- Frank
- 6m 32.8s
- 25
- 8.
- Audio Memory
How you did compared to others
- Average score: 47.8
- Total plays: 8
% | |
Score |
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Most correctly guessed answers
- Romans 6:23 - For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is __________
- eternal life
- 100.0%
- through Jesus Christ ______.
- our Lord
- 100.0%
- After that, they will stand __________
- before God
- 100.0%
- and be _____.
- judged
- 100.0%
- While we were still sinners Christ died_________.
- for us
- 100.0%
- It is a gift of _______.
- God
- 100.0%
- It is not given to you because you _____ for it.
- worked
- 100.0%
- has life that lasts _______
- forever.
- 100.0%
- He has already passed from death into ________
- life.
- 100.0%
- John 1:12 - He gave the right and the power to become _______
- children of God
- 100.0%
- Revelation 3:20 - See, I stand the door and _____.
- knock
- 100.0%
- If anyone hears my voice and opens the ______,
- door
- 100.0%
- 2 Corinthians 5:17 - For if a man belongs to Christ, he is a new ______.
- person
- 100.0%
- John 3:1-8 - There was a man named _____.
- Nicodemus
- 100.0%
- He was a proud, religious law-_____.
- keeper
- 100.0%
- and a leader of the ______
- Jews.
- 100.0%
- No one can do these powerful works you do unless God is ______.
- with him
- 100.0%
- Jesus said to him, "For sure I tell you, unless a man is _________,
- born again
- 100.0%
- Romans 3:23 - For all have sinned and come short of the _______.
- glory of God
- 87.5%
- Hebrews 9:27 - It is in the plan that all men _____.
- die once
- 87.5%
- Ephesians 2:8-9 - For by His loving favor you have been_______
- saved
- 87.5%
- from the punishment of ______ through faith.
- sin
- 87.5%
- It is not by anything you have ______.
- done
- 87.5%
- If you could work for it, you would be _______.
- proud
- 87.5%
- John 5:24 - For sure I tell you, anyone who_____my word
- hears
- 87.5%
- He will not be _____.
- guilty
- 87.5%
- He gave this to those who put their trust in His_______.
- name
- 87.5%
- I will come in to him and we will eat_______.
- together
- 87.5%
- The old life is gone. New life has __________.
- begun.
- 87.5%
- He came to Jesus at night and said,"Teacher, we know You have come from _______ to teach us.
- God
- 87.5%
- he cannot see _______."
- the holy nation of God
- 87.5%
- Nicodemus said to him, "How can a man be born when he is ______?"
- old
- 87.5%
- How can he get into his mother's body and be born a _______?"
- second time
- 87.5%
- Jesus answered, "For sure I tell you unless a man is born of water and of the ______
- Spirit of God
- 87.5%
- Whatever is born of the flesh is____.
- flesh
- 87.5%
- Whatever is born of the Spirit is ____.
- Spirit
- 87.5%
- Do not be surprised that I said to you,'_________.'"
- You must be born again.
- 87.5%
- The wind blows where it wants to and you hear its______.
- sound
- 87.5%
- You do not know where it comes from or where it ______.
- goes
- 87.5%
- It is the same with everyone who is born of the ______."
- Spirit of God
- 87.5%
- John 3:14-17 - As Moses lifted up the snake in the _______,
- desert
- 87.5%
- so the Son of Man must be _________.
- lifted up
- 87.5%
- Then, whoever puts his trust in Him, will have life that lasts__________.
- forever
- 87.5%
- For God so loved the world ______.
- that He gave His only Son
- 87.5%
- but will have life that lasts _____.
- forever
- 87.5%
- He sent His Son so that the world might be________.
- saved
- 87.5%
- from the punishment of sin by _____.
- Him
- 87.5%
- and puts his trust in Him who _______
- sent me
- 75.0%
- to those who received ______.
- Him
- 75.0%
- he cannot get into the _______.
- holy nation of God
- 75.0%
- Whoever puts his trust in God's Son, will not be ______,
- lost
- 75.0%
- For God did not send His Son into the world to say it is ______.
- guilty
- 75.0%
- Romans 5:8 - But God showed His love to __.
- us
- 62.5%