Results and stats for "Romans 10:8-10 (Write from memory.)"
Listen to the song for free. Then fill in the blanks.
Romans 10:8-10
8 The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart: that is, the word of faith of which we are the preachers: 9 Because, if you say with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and have faith in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will have salvation: 10 For with the heart you have faith to get righteousness, and with the mouth you say that Jesus is Lord to get salvation.
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- 35.5s
- 7
- 1.
- Audio Memory [4th]
- 37.8s
- 7
- 2.
- Audio Memory
- 49.8s
- 7
- 3.
- Anon.
- 53.2s
- 7
- 4.
- Audio Memory [3rd]
- 2m 0.0s
- 6
- 5.
- Anon.
- 36.8s
- 2
- 6.
- Audio Memory [2nd]
- 1m 56.3s
- 1
- 7.
- Anon.
How you did compared to others
- Average score: 5.3
- Total plays: 7
% | |
Score |
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Most correctly guessed answers
- The word is near you, _______________:
- in your mouth and in your heart
- 85.7%
- that is, the ____________ of which we are the preachers:
- word of faith
- 85.7%
- you will have _______,
- salvation.
- 85.7%
- Because, if you say with your mouth that ____________,
- Jesus is Lord
- 71.4%
- and have faith in your heart that God has _____________,
- raised Him from the dead
- 71.4%
- For with the heart you have faith ____________,
- to get righteousness
- 71.4%
- and with the mouth you say that Jesus is Lord _________.
- to get salvation
- 57.1%