Results and stats for "Amazing Math"
Listen to the recording from Audio Memory.
Fill in the blanks.
Rate this quiz
- 14.0s
- 9
- 1.
- Anon. [3rd]
- 14.7s
- 9
- 2.
- Anon. [4th]
- 17.1s
- 9
- 3.
- Anon.
- 18.1s
- 9
- 4.
- Audio Memory
- 18.8s
- 9
- 5.
- Anon. [4th]
- 20.9s
- 9
- 6.
- Anon. [2nd]
- 24.1s
- 9
- 7.
- Anon. [5th]
- 30.3s
- 9
- 8.
- Anon. [3rd]
- 32.5s
- 9
- 9.
- Anon.
- 34.3s
- 9
- 10.
- Anon.
How you did compared to others
- Average score: 6.9
- Total plays: 21
% |
Score |
Related quizzes
- Anagrams: marathon
- "Dividing by 2" from "Division Songs" by Kathy Troxel/Audio Memory
- "Dividing by 3 Song" from "Division Songs" by Kathy Troxel/Audio Memory copyright 2000
- "Dividing by 4 Song" from "Division Songs" by Kathy Troxel/Audio Memory copyright 2000
- 8x2 to 8x12 from "Multiplication Songs" by Kathy Troxel/Audio Memory
- Place value
- Cube numbers
- Words that rhyme with 'bake'
- Words that rhyme with 'list'
- Words that rhyme with 'bank'
- Words that rhyme with 'gift'
- Twelve times table
Most correctly guessed answers
- 1 x 8 + 1 =
- 9
- 100.0%
- 12 x 8 + 2 =
- 98
- 90.5%
- 1234 x 8 + 4 =
- 9876
- 81.0%
- 123 x 8 + 3 =
- 987
- 81.0%
- 12345 x 8 + 5 =
- 98765
- 76.2%
- 123456 x 8 + 6 =
- 987654
- 71.4%
- 1234567 x 8 + 7 =
- 9876543
- 66.7%
- 12345678 x 8 + 8 =
- 98765432
- 61.9%
- 123456789 x 8 + 9 =
- 987654321
- 61.9%