Shakespeare Characters
Name the plays these characters feature in..
You may give your answers in any order.
- Character
- Play
- Clue
- Romeo
- In love, suicide
- Oberon
- King
- Iago
- Tattle tailer
- Duncon
- donut king
- Claudius
- ghost
- Duke of Exeter
- Brother of da king
- Balthasar
- singing slave
- Baptista Minola
- Baptist father
- Character
- Play
- Clue
- Sextus Pompey
- Son of Pompey
- Edmund
- bastardo
- Calpurnia
- wife
- Shylock
- money hungry
- Ariel
- spirit
- Orsino
- Duke
- Tamora
- Goth queen
Source / copyright information
- Wikipedia
Quiz created by jd