Results and stats for "Earth's oceans"

Name the Earth's oceans.

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2 vote(s) cast.


    • 6.9s
    • 5
    • 1.
    • Emma [2nd]
    • 7.4s
    • 5
    • 2.
    • a
    • 7.7s
    • 5
    • 3.
    • Anon.
    • 10.3s
    • 5
    • 8.
    • St. [3rd]
    • 10.8s
    • 5
    • 9.
    • Anon.
    • 11.4s
    • 5
    • 10.
    • St. [4th]

How you did compared to others

  • Average score: 4.0
  • Total plays: 257
% Distribution of scores


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Most correctly guessed answers

      • largest
      • Pacific Ocean
      • 98.8%
      • 2nd largest
      • Atlantic Ocean
      • 98.4%
      • 3rd largest
      • Indian Ocean
      • 95.3%
      • smallest
      • Arctic Ocean
      • 68.1%
      • 4th largest
      • Southern Ocean
      • 35.4%