
Eurovision Conductors (Who Conducted what country in a specific year)

Quiz to allow people to guess what conductor directed the Eurovision Orchestra for a specific country in a specific year

Your answers must match the highlighted question.

Results and stats
      • 1967 (United Kingdom)
      • 1970 (Ireland)
      • (Was not RTE's regular conductor)
      • 1989 (Denmark)
      • Entry was conducted by 2 conductors
      • 1992 (Yugoslavia)
      • Accordian
      • 1989 (Turkey)
      • Amazing Style of Conducting
      • 1966 (Finland)
      • He made over 20 further apperances after this
      • 1972 (United Kingdom)
      • He composed Auf Wiedersehen Pet
      • 1990 (Spain)
      • Performers walked off stage and song was restarted
      • 1993 (Ireland)
      • He has made the most appearances as MD of a Eurovision Entry
      • 1996 (Norway)
      • As Terry Wogan announced him in 1996 as 'The Lord of the Rings
      • 1993 (Slovenia)
      • There was a 32 year gap between this appearance and his first appearance as a MD on Eurovision
      • 1997 (United Kingdom)
      • Deep Purple Keyboard Player
      • 1973 (Sweden)
      • The first female conductor at Eurovision
      • 1997 (Russia)
      • Also played Bass for Abba
      • 1980 (Switzerland)
      • One of the only people to have conducted, composed, written and sang a Eurovision entry
      • 1998 (Portugal)
      • Scotsman who has sung as well at Eurovision for this country
      • 1998 (FYR Macedonia)
      • The last ever person to conduct the Eurovision Orchestra
      • 1981 (United Kingdom)
      • Has also been involved with the Music for the first Shrek movie
      • 1981 (Austria)
      • Gave a rose to the leader of the RTE Orchestra on the night
      • 1990 (Iceland)
      • Does a lot of work with Andrew Lloyd Webber
      • 1985 (Switzerland)
      • The last female to conduct the Eurovision Orchestra
      • 1977 (United Kingdom)
      • Bowler Hat, Umbrella, Newspaper
      • 1974 (Sweden)
      • Napoleon
      • 1992 (Malta)
      • Conducted the entry that his wife sang in 1991
      • 1975 (Luxembourg)
      • Irishman who also won as a composer for the UK


Eurovision, Conductors, Musical Directors, Music

Quiz created by Joseph
