Results and stats for "The First 50 Pokemon"
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How you did compared to others
- Average score: 33.4
- Total plays: 93
% |
Score |
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Most correctly guessed answers
- #25
- pikachu
- 95.7%
- #04
- charmander
- 92.5%
- #06
- charizard
- 92.5%
- #07
- squirtle
- 92.5%
- #01
- bulbasaur
- 88.2%
- #09
- blastoise
- 88.2%
- #10
- caterpie
- 82.8%
- #02
- ivysaur
- 81.7%
- #03
- venusaur
- 80.6%
- #05
- charmeleon
- 79.6%
- #08
- wartortle
- 79.6%
- #26
- raichu
- 79.6%
- #12
- butterfree
- 74.2%
- #16
- pidgey
- 74.2%
- #11
- metapod
- 73.1%
- #13
- weedle
- 73.1%
- #17
- pidgeotto
- 73.1%
- #39
- jigglypuff
- 73.1%
- #15
- beedrill
- 72.0%
- #18
- pidgeot
- 71.0%
- #14
- kakuna
- 69.9%
- #19
- rattata
- 69.9%
- #21
- spearow
- 65.6%
- #20
- raticate
- 64.5%
- #22
- fearow
- 64.5%
- #50
- diglet
- 63.4%
- #23
- ekans
- 62.4%
- #24
- arbok
- 60.2%
- #31
- nidoqueen
- 59.1%
- #41
- zubat
- 59.1%
- #30
- nidorina
- 58.1%
- #33
- nidorino
- 58.1%
- #34
- nidoking
- 58.1%
- #40
- wigglytuff
- 58.1%
- #35
- clefairy
- 57.0%
- #42
- golbat
- 57.0%
- #43
- oddish
- 57.0%
- #36
- clefable
- 55.9%
- #45
- vileplume
- 55.9%
- #27
- sandshrew
- 54.8%
- #28
- sandslash
- 53.8%
- #44
- gloom
- 53.8%
- #37
- vulpix
- 52.7%
- #29
- nidoran female
- 50.5%
- #32
- nidoran male
- 50.5%
- #38
- ninetales
- 50.5%
- #46
- paras
- 50.5%
- #47
- parasect
- 50.5%
- #48
- venonat
- 49.5%
- #49
- venomoth
- 49.5%