Symphony nicknames
Enter the nicknames of these famous symphonies.
You may give your answers in any order.
- Symphony
- Nickname
- Beethoven's 6th
- Mozart's 41st
- Haydn's 94th
- Dvorák's 9th
- Mahler's 1st
- Symphony
- Nickname
- Mendelssohn's 4th
- Saint-Saëns' 3rd
- Shostakovich's 7th
- Vaughan Williams' 2nd
- Tchaikovsky's 6th
More quizzes by Cantorion
- Composers' middle names
- Haydn symphony nicknames
- The Bach family
- Instruments of the Late Romantic Orchestra
- Opera composers
- Composers' pictures
- Composers' nationality
- Composers' forenames
- The violin