Results and stats for "Famous people called Bill"

Name the famous people called Bill (real and fictional) from their pictures.

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    • 36.4s
    • 10
    • 2.
    • Jo
    • 36.9s
    • 10
    • 3.
    • Anon. [4th]
    • 51.0s
    • 10
    • 5.
    • Anon.
    • 1m 23.0s
    • 10
    • 6.
    • Lisa
    • 2m 25.9s
    • 10
    • 7.
    • Anon.
    • 30.7s
    • 9
    • 9.
    • Anon. [2nd]

How you did compared to others

  • Average score: 5.6
  • Total plays: 160
% Distribution of scores


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Most correctly guessed answers

      • Bill Clinton
      • 98.8%
      • Bill Gates
      • 92.5%
      • Billie Piper
      • 70.6%
      • Bill Murray
      • 63.8%
      • Bill Bailey
      • 56.9%
      • Bill Cosby
      • 55.6%
      • Billy Joel
      • 44.4%
      • Billy Whizz
      • 32.5%
      • Billy Crystal
      • 24.4%
      • Billy Bob Thornton
      • 21.9%

Completed quiz

      • Politician
      • Entrepeneur
      • Comedian
      • Athlete
      • Actor
      • Actor
      • Comedian
      • Actor
      • Actor/Musician
      • Musician