Results and stats for "States of the U.S.A."

Name all the 50 states of the United States of America!

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32 vote(s) cast.


    • 1m 2.5s
    • 50
    • 1.
    • Anon. [8th]
    • 1m 5.2s
    • 50
    • 2.
    • Anon. [7th]
    • 1m 10.0s
    • 50
    • 3.
    • Anon. [3rd]
    • 1m 11.0s
    • 50
    • 4.
    • Anon. [4th]
    • 1m 11.7s
    • 50
    • 5.
    • Anon. [6th]
    • 1m 14.0s
    • 50
    • 6.
    • Anon. [5th]
    • 1m 14.4s
    • 50
    • 7.
    • Samuel [24th]
    • 1m 14.9s
    • 50
    • 8.
    • Anon. [2nd]
    • 1m 22.4s
    • 50
    • 9.
    • Samuel [20th]
    • 1m 23.8s
    • 50
    • 10.
    • Shawn [2nd]

How you did compared to others

  • Average score: 39.7
  • Total plays: 4217
% Distribution of scores


Related quizzes

Most correctly guessed answers

      • California
      • 96.1%
      • Texas
      • 95.9%
      • Washington
      • 95.8%
      • Florida
      • 93.8%
      • New York
      • 93.4%
      • Alaska
      • 87.3%
      • New Mexico
      • 86.6%
      • North Dakota
      • 86.5%
      • South Dakota
      • 86.2%
      • North Carolina
      • 85.6%
      • South Carolina
      • 85.4%
      • Nevada
      • 85.3%
      • Hawaii
      • 84.6%
      • Alabama
      • 84.3%
      • Arizona
      • 81.1%
      • Oregon
      • 80.7%
      • Ohio
      • 80.4%
      • Mississippi
      • 80.2%
      • Virginia
      • 79.8%
      • Utah
      • 79.8%
      • Maine
      • 79.7%
      • Michigan
      • 79.7%
      • Georgia
      • 79.7%
      • New Jersey
      • 79.6%
      • Colorado
      • 79.6%
      • Idaho
      • 78.9%
      • Illinois
      • 78.1%
      • Louisiana
      • 78.0%
      • Kansas
      • 78.0%
      • Montana
      • 77.3%
      • Kentucky
      • 76.6%
      • Rhode Island
      • 76.1%
      • Arkansas
      • 75.9%
      • West Virginia
      • 75.4%
      • Wyoming
      • 75.4%
      • Tennessee
      • 74.7%
      • Pennsylvania
      • 73.6%
      • New Hampshire
      • 73.3%
      • Iowa
      • 73.1%
      • Nebraska
      • 72.9%
      • Massachusetts
      • 72.4%
      • Oklahoma
      • 72.1%
      • Delaware
      • 72.1%
      • Indiana
      • 71.2%
      • Maryland
      • 70.0%
      • Vermont
      • 69.9%
      • Wisconsin
      • 68.7%
      • Minnesota
      • 68.7%
      • Missouri
      • 68.7%
      • Connecticut
      • 68.0%

Completed quiz

    • Texas
    • New York
    • New Hampshire
    • Vermont
    • Massachusetts
    • Rhode Island
    • Connecticut
    • New Jersey
    • Delaware
    • Maryland
    • West Virginia
    • Florida
    • Georgia
    • Kentucky
    • California
    • Washington
    • Oregon
    • Montana
    • Wyoming
    • South Dakota
    • North Dakota
    • Idaho
    • Colorado
    • Utah
    • Nevada
    • Kansas
    • Nebraska
    • Iowa
    • Wisconsin
    • Minnesota
    • Michigan
    • Ohio
    • Indiana
    • Illinois
    • Pennsylvania
    • North Carolina
    • Virginia
    • Tennessee
    • South Carolina
    • Alabama
    • Mississippi
    • Louisiana
    • Arkansas
    • Oklahoma
    • Missouri
    • New Mexico
    • Arizona
    • Maine
    • Alaska
    • Hawaii